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Monday, November 2, 2009

A Case of the Mondays - Week 1

Welcome to the first installment of A Case of the Mondays!!!

Monday has finally arrived folks. That's right it's your new favorite day of the week. Sure, some of you may have to go to work and deal with that shitty boss or those annoying coworkers. Others of you may have to go to school and sit in those boring classes or take those exhausting exams. Or if your like us, you're still recovering from a Halloween weekend full of numerous parties and drunken mayhem. Regardless of your schedule today, we understand how difficult it can be to get by.

As we promised, we're releasing exclusive material every week just for you. Today's track is provided by Mailmaxx, The Teacher. Of course it's a Buddy production, so you know what that means. Also, it's available for download, which is always a plus. And as always your support is appreciated.

Download link:


Feng Shui


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